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Emergency Call Tree / Employee Phone List

Mobile Application




Being able to account for personnel in an emergency is a priority for all organization around the world. Many missions use some variation of a phone tree for this purpose. Phone trees, as commonly implemented, have several well-known shortcomings, including the difficulty of ensuring that all personnel will actually have immediate access to the most up-to-date version of the mission’s phone tree when an emergency strikes.


E.C.Tree app allow missions to share contact’s information in no time, users with a valid authorization code provided by organization admin will have a copy of the latest contact list. Sharing and maintaining contact list is one of the major features of this app.


The advantages of the new system include:


All users with an iPhone and authorization code will have immediate access to the phone tree contact, at all time. No more concern about ensuring that employees carry a paper copy of the phone tree list in their wallets or purses. No more concern about ensuring proper dispose of outdated phone lists each time a new version is issued.


Changes or updates made in the cloud database will be immediately accessible to all users via their iPhone applications. No more concern of using outdated or incorrect versions of the phone tree.

Management can monitor the progress of the phone tree in real time as it is carried out, and see which specific employees remain to be contacted. No more waiting for subordinates to call back to report that they have contacted, and who is still out of reach.


As an added benefit, staff list will be visible to all organization users worldwide. No more difficulty contacting colleagues; any user of the application can place a call to any other user’s official cell phone with the press of a button.




The Emergency Call Tree Application comes with 2 levels of authentication:

-       Devices with logged in user name and password will have the authority to add/edit/delete records.

-       Devices with only authorization code will be able to access organization list and perform all functionality with NO authority to add/edit/delete records.


The application will contain the names and phone numbers of the organization’s staff.

(These data are stored remotely, in a secured website) The Employees will be organized in groups.


Using a simple, intuitive interface, the application provides each caller with a list of the employees to call during a phone tree exercise. Phone calls can be placed from within the application with the press of a button. Callers can update the status of each person as “not contacted” or “contacted” from within the application. This status is visible to other users of the application in real time, allowing management to see at a glance who has been contacted, even while the exercise is underway.


In the event that a group SMS is needed; callers can use the Group SMS button to end one SMS text message to all members listed under her/his name.




Install the app, signup for an account and get organization authorization code. Use that authorization code on as many devices as you want to replicate contact list.

Administrator (Logged in with username and password) will have control over her/his own information, and will be responsible for making any updates or changes using built in Edit/Add/Delete functions.